Prophetic Presence of Montfortians: A Global Perspective!
1. Introduction: The consecrated life is a gift which the Heavenly Father has given to the church through the Holy Spirit so that, in faithfulness to the Gospel, the most characteristic qualities of the life of his Son Jesus, the chaste, poor and obedient one (Mt. 8:20), and the profound riches of his mystery (Eph 3:8), might be present in the world and might draw everyone toward the kingdom of God. Therefore, "the consecrated life and its role in the church and in the world" is a grace-filled moment for the entire people of God. All are called to contemplation, to fidelity and fruitfulness to be prophetic witness. Most of us probably don't think of ourselves as prophets. And yet, if we would go back to our baptism and the ritual that was performed when we became disciples of Jesus through baptism, we would easily understand that every one of us, is called to be a prophet. As Jesus was priest, prophet and king, so may you also live always as a member of His body. ...