‘realities are greater than ideas’
God's covenant
with Noah was a commitment
to maintain the inherent relationship between Creator and Creation; His relationship with the
natural order is understood in the act of creation – whereby God promised never
again to destroy the earth with a flood.
What is happening now all over the world? And why?
1. Introduction:
We live in a world where lines exist
everywhere. We see lines on sports fields, roadways, thermometers, measuring
cups. We also see the splendid beauty of God’s creation where ocean meets sky,
the angular form of a mountain, the curve of a shoreline. We come to understand
that there is a delicate balance between what is imposed upon creation through
human interaction and what the environment can sustain. Therefore, we need lines
of action from top to bottom to protect the earth from further damage.
When I say,
‘The ‘realities are greater than ideas’ that means, what we perceive on a reality
is lesser than the actuality. It means the actual realities are larger than ideas we have about them.
Let ideas inspire us but let not ideas blind us! When we respond to serious problems in the real world, we
must be honest about our expectations, limitations, impressions, biases,
projections and ideals. Ideas are very often rooted in a vision of perfection
that is completely unrealistic or unattainable. When our worldview is primarily
shaped by ideas that are completely detached from reality, we can easily become
ideologues and fundamentalists.
The Eco spirituality connects the science of ecology with spirituality. It brings together religion and environmental activism. The
'Earth-based' spirituality is another term related to Eco spirituality: humanity must examine and reassess our
underlying attitudes and beliefs about the earth and the care for and respect to earth as Sacred,
as Mother Earth, who provides life and nourishment, is a central point to
Earth-based spirituality.
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